Red Bobblehead Bunny


A very good morning for everyone :') 
How can I wake-up with a little-bit spirit just now? Last night we're on call. Firstly, he call me but I missed it. '2 misscall' from him. Aiyoooooo. Then I think twice whether I should call him back or no, I just afraid if I will frust once again when discus bout the topics that I really don't like. But, cause I miss him like crazy, I still call and ask. Just as usual, he told that he otw to keningau. Then ask whether I already eat, already bath and something like that. At the end of call, the call suddenly off. And I don't even know about it. Around 12.46a.m, he call me back and say he in keningau already. And, the end of the call, 'Goodnight'. I wish I can heard, 'I love you' :') But nvm, atleast god show me a bit positive change. Once again, I BELIEVE IN STRONG-LOVE and FAITH. The most important, never stop pray and always put a positive hope, so then everything come to us will also come with a positive value. I hope everyday and everynight, you will come back and stay with me once again. I just want to show you that I really want to being with you this time, care for you, share happiness and pain, I want to through all that with you. And I'll make sure, you won't 'sick' with me after this. I just can promise you a loyalty and fully-love to you. That is my promise. I love you everyday. I did love you. :)