Red Bobblehead Bunny

9th day of RAMADHAN.

Well, sedar x sedar, dah masuk puasa ke-9. Cepat kan masa berlalu? Rasanya baru kemarin kita masuk bulan Ramadhan ni. Hmm, harap2 ni bukan Ramadhan yang terakhir untuk kita semua. Anyway, now I'm currently in Beluran, sandakan. 28hb tu balik sini. And Idk bila balik KL lagi. Belum plan. How's bout life? As usual la, it still.. hmm, most of about 'him'. Tweet, fb, MOST of bekaitan pasal dea, Its like I have no other topics pun ada. Well, actually I'm not taken. It just my heart TAKEN to someone that isn't mine. Listen? ISN'T MINE. I don't have much idea to post now. Actually my brain stuck and I can't even thinking at all. Continue later should be okay for me. I need to calm my brain, it doesn't make sense at all. Hmm, Good night everyone.